For more than 25 years Northampton Community Rowing has relied on the support from our generous donors and sponsors to provide our community access to the Connecticut River through programs for rowers of all ability. Your gift to Northampton Community Rowing helps support critical investments in our program and helps us:
Provide outreach to those community members who have not traditionally had access to rowing..
Support Financial aid efforts
Upgrade our equipment to better support out members.
Recruit and retain experienced coaches.
We thank you for your support and your willingness to partner with us as we strive to expand opportunities for the community to experience the Connecticut River.
Donations can be made online:
or mailed to: PO Box 1553, Northampton, MA 01061.
Thank you for joining us in making Northampton Community Rowing a home for all!
Please note: Northampton Community Rowing is a 501(c)3 organization and contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Our tax ID number is: 043 53 2936.